Me in Real Life

Me in Real Life

Weight Loss Tracker: One Step At A Time

Monday, November 28, 2011


does not look good on me.  Yet, I am so very jealous, happy for my friends, but jealous all the same.  It seems that everywhere I look, people just can't manage to keep pounds on their bodies.  They're running around looking like skinny minis and I'm stuck in this same over-sized body.

Kudos, though to a high school friend, who when asked, gave me the ugly truth of how he lost his 35+ pounds in three months.  "Lots and Lots of Water, walking so much that my ankles hurt, and amongst other thing LOW Calorie diet..."  His honesty was very kind and appreciated. Especially since most of the time I meet the "Oh, I'm not doing anything special, the weight is just falling off by itself" response.

Now that I've got that off of my chest, on to a progress report of sorts.  I logged in to my My Fitness Pal account last night for the first time in 3 months.  Didn't plan any meals, but I logged in!  No exercise today, and over indulged a bit by having a cup of hot chocolate to accompany my daily cinnamon roll for breakfast. Not to mention that at 9:56 pm, I'm having my FIRST cup of water for the day. 

I need a swift kick in the pants to dive into this weight loss thing. Or at least a nudge in the direction of dipping my toe in the water, so I can stop being jealous and start being me again!

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